VBS (2500 x 960 px)


We gather corporately and in smaller groups to be anchored to a community of believers, with whom we confess, repent, celebrate, live in faith, and are daily sent out on mission.


It is from our own growth as a disciple of Christ that we become able and committed disciple makers. Through discipling relationships and training opportunities we aim to be faithful followers who grow in relationship with God.


We aim to be faithful and obedient to using the resources God has equipped us with as individuals to serve the church and go on mission locally and globally.


Our role as everyday missionaries is to introduce people to Christ, actively be part of their journey to become like Christ, and teach them to repeat the process with others.


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Start A Discipleship Group

Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) help provide an essential environment for every believer to have intimate friendships, accountability, and most importantly, a life rooted deeply in God’s Word. As we work to live out our God-given calling as we follow Jesus and make disciples every day, Discipleship Groups are an integral part of the process. Discipleship Groups are gender-specific, closed groups of 3-5 believers who meet together weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation.

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2024 Bible Reading Plans

The Bible is a big book. But reading the Bible for just ten minutes a day will radically change your life. Where you should you begin reading? There are plenty of Bible reading plans that make it easy.

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